Sophie Johnson
Click here to be taken to Sophie's personal website, for more comprehensive information about her teaching.
My practice of meditation and inner work began when I was fifteen, establishing spiritual practice as the focus for the rest of my life. I am now 49. My journey began within the Daoist arts as I was deeply interested in the relationship between the body, the subtle energy system, and the psychological work I was doing. At that time I couldn't find a teacher within the Daoist system that fulfilled the rounded development I was looking for so I found myself on the way to Denmark in 1989 to meet the Irish spiritual teacher Bob Moore. It was with Bob’s work I found a form of development that brought together many of the things I had found of value in different approaches. This synthesis of approach showed me ways of working with a genuine spiritual pathway, whilst giving a framework to integrate the inevitable emotional, ‘shadow’ aspects, which will emerge as we, in the west, attempt to dive deep. During this 12 year period of retreat, and training I met my first partner Chris, had our lovely children and conceived the vision for the centre.
After Bob's death I spent some years without a teacher. I knew I needed another teacher, there were many 'blank' spots not just within myself but also within my learning and understanding of the energy arts. During a period of difficult upheaval and disintegration within my personal life I found my current teacher Damo Mitchell with whom I am in on-going training, returning again, full circle to Daoism! I am so fortunate to have found another exceptional teacher with whom I am learning a great deal. Deepening my lifelong study of energywork, integrating this with the body, and returning to Taiji, Qigong and Neigong.
For the last 20 years I have been teaching meditation, running residential courses and retreats and developing the spiritual development programme here at Bonhays. I also trained as an Interfaith Minister and occasionally create meaningful ceremony if I am asked. There are numerous individuals whom have offered so many forms of support, without whom we would not be here, I am deeply grateful to you all.
When I am not working or training, I love being with my family, walking, personal retreat time, wild swimming and warm evenings sharing cooking, and all the good things!
Sophie's personal website here