Nei Gong Retreats
with Sophie Johnson
December 2nd - 4thDragon Dao Yin 4.
January 27th - 29th Awakening Nei Gong
February 24th - 26th Nei Gong/Dao Yin Retreat
September 8th - 10th Nei Gong Retreat
November 17th - 19th Nei Gong Retreat
To visit the school that Sophie teaches for click here.
To visit Sophie's personal website with more comprehensive information about this style of training click here
Other resources :- Read Daoist Nei Gong/The Four Dragons/Heavenly Streams by Damo Mitchell.
Daniel Reid, Thomas Cleary have also written some good texts.
Visit The Scholar Sage an online Daoist magazine, lots of useful articles and videos.
Nei Gong is an intensive and transformational process so before you book on any of Sophie's Nei Gong retreats and for comprehensive information about Nei Gong training click here. Please do not apply for the Nei Gong retreats without reading the information on this link. These retreats are not for the casual seeker, or those wishing to have a spa type relaxing weekend, they are strong energetically and physically, they are for those who have a serious interest in a classical Daoist approach to training.
Below is a video showing the students working through the Awakening Dragon Dao Yin, which they had just learned after a hard 3 days training. We went out onto the hill overlooking the sea and shot the video, without the help of Bowie though, that came later!