'A Sanctuary of welcome, peace and simplicity'
Bonhays offers a perfect environment for running residential retreats, set in the Marshwood Vale and beautiful rolling hills of west Dorset, just two miles from the sea, delicious food and an indoor pool to luxuriate in. To hire Bonhays see here. Bonhays is one of the main schools for Nei Gong, running residential retreats, day and evening classes taught by Sophie Johnson who is a senior teacher for The Internal Arts Academy, the school of author and teacher Damo Mitchell.
Building Qi
31st January - 2nd February 2025
with Sophie Johnson
This weekend is suitable for beginners and more advanced practitioners, as we will be looking at the process involved with Qi building, for health, life and spiritual development. Without attention to this aspect of the training our practice will plateau.
We will cover the theory and practice to start your year energised and with the understanding of Qi building and its place in your life and practice. Work with the Lower Dan Tian and the Middle Dan Tian will be covered alongside the understanding of the why and function of these centres in this process.
Nei Gong Evening Classes with Sophie
These will be on most Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm.
There is also a regular Meditation 6:30am on Mondays.
For more information Click Here
Hiring Bonhays for your retreat
Bonhays is the perfect choice of venue for group leaders looking for a gentle and intimate environment. As group leaders ourselves, we appreciate your needs and are very aware of how the energy and atmosphere of a place can effect the depth and immersion of a group.
Bonhays has become a popular venue for course leaders running courses in Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation and Energy work.
If you are interested in hiring Bonhays please click here for further information.
A video made for one of our local towns, Bridport, showing some of the beautiful West Dorset countryside close to Bonhays.